Our team

Managing money since 2002, we aim to do one thing exceptionally well: grow and protect our clients’ wealth through investing.

Vimal Gor
Head of Fixed Income & Multi-Asset

Vimal joined Ellerston in May 2024 from Trovio Group where he was Co-Head of Asset Management and CIO.

At Trovio he was responsible for setting the strategy, processes and risk management for the Asset Management business and all funds managed within it.

He joined Trovio in July 2022 from Pendal Group where he was of the Head of Bond, Income & Defensive Strategies (BIDS) Boutique. Over 13 years at Pendal he grew the BIDS team from 4 to 17 people, successfully launched a number of new and innovative funds, raised over A$15bn in FUM, garnered several ‘BUY’ ratings, won numerous awards and onboarded a significant number of blue-chip clients, including Australia’s Future Fund.

Vimal has over 31 years’ asset management experience and is a recognised lead portfolio manager for macro, duration and multi-asset strategies. He is well known both domestically and globally and has regular slots on both international and domestic TV and has an op-ed column in the AFR.

Prior to Pendal Group Vimal was responsible for sovereign global bond portfolios at Aviva Investors, where he was the lead fund manager for Global Aggregate Bond Funds. He has previously worked with Scottish Mutual and Murray Johnstone. Vimal obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree (First Class Honours) in Economics and Computer Science from Salford University.