Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund

Returns uncorrelated to traditional asset classes with a strong focus on capital preservation.

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Fund Overview

The Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund is made up of a portfolio of between 30-60 smaller companies we’ve identified as being the next leaders in their respective industries.

The Fund adopts a unique investment process that aims to produce consistent returns over time.

  • Attractive risk/reward: an exposure to the smaller end of the small cap market (note: portfolio has a typical market cap of AUD$650m) gives investors access to attractive growth opportunities which can provide a source of uncorrelated returns throughout different market environments.
  • Under-researched: smaller cap securities tend to have lower levels of broker coverage compared with their large cap peers, which leads to an information asymmetry that can be leveraged by those willing to undertake fundamental research.
  • Diversification: smaller cap securities help to diversify a portfolio. The larger end of the Australian stock market is highly concentrated and dominated by particular sectors (i.e. Financials and Materials); smaller cap securities can provide diversification in a variety of other sectors.

The Fund employs an active, research-driven investment approach which seeks to identify a portfolio of smaller cap companies with the aim of delivering superior returns to the benchmark over time.

The Fund invests in companies that are believed to have the potential to deliver significant upside over the medium term, and where there is a reasonable margin of safety to mitigate downside risk. Investments will generally be made in companies that have sound business franchises with attractive earnings profiles that operate in growth industries and trade at a discount to valuation.

Ellerston Emerging Leaders Fund

Performance (Net %)

As at 30/09/2024 1 Month3 Months1 Year3 Years p.a.Since
Inception p.a.
Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund4.10%7.28%39.99%0.85%2.17%
S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index5.06%6.53%18.79%-0.57%-0.71%


The performance figures are net of taxes, fees and expenses and assuming distributions are reinvested. The benchmark is the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index.

*Since inception is 13 August 2021. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance, nor a promise of future returns.

The performance figures presented are for the Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund (ARSN 647 979 333). The one month return figure may be an estimate and not the final return. This estimate also impacts other performance information provided. Estimated performance figures (where indicated) are preliminary and subject to change. Returns for other classes may differ slightly. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Ellerston Capital Limited ABN 34 110 397 674 AFSL 283 000 is the responsible entity for the Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund (ARSN 647 979 333). The information supplied above has been prepared by Ellerston Capital Limited without taking account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of investors. Before making an investment decision about any Fund persons should obtain advice from an appropriate financial adviser, consider their own individual circumstances and obtain a copy of the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for the Fund which is available on this website. This material has been prepared based on information believed to be accurate at the time of publication. Assumptions and estimates may have been made which may prove not to be accurate. Ellerston Capital undertakes no responsibility to correct any such inaccuracy. Subsequent changes in circumstances may occur at any time and may impact the accuracy of the information. To the full extent permitted by law, none of Ellerston Capital Limited, or any member of the Ellerston Capital Limited Group of companies makes any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this website and disclaims all liability that may arise due to any information contained in this website being inaccurate, unreliable or incomplete.

Performance Graph


Fund Name 30/06/202431/12/202330/06/202331/12/202230/06/2022 Distribution Frequency
Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund NilNilNilNilNil Half-yearly


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance, nor a promise of future returns. Performance can be volatile.

Performance (Net %)

As at 30/09/2024 1 Month3 Months1 Year3 Years p.a.Since
Inception p.a.
Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund4.10%7.28%39.99%0.85%2.17%
S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index5.06%6.53%18.79%-0.57%-0.71%


The performance figures are net of taxes, fees and expenses and assuming distributions are reinvested. The benchmark is the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index.

*Since inception is 13 August 2021. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance, nor a promise of future returns.

The performance figures presented are for the Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund (ARSN 647 979 333). The one month return figure may be an estimate and not the final return. This estimate also impacts other performance information provided. Estimated performance figures (where indicated) are preliminary and subject to change. Returns for other classes may differ slightly. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Ellerston Capital Limited ABN 34 110 397 674 AFSL 283 000 is the responsible entity for the Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund (ARSN 647 979 333). The information supplied above has been prepared by Ellerston Capital Limited without taking account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of investors. Before making an investment decision about any Fund persons should obtain advice from an appropriate financial adviser, consider their own individual circumstances and obtain a copy of the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for the Fund which is available on this website. This material has been prepared based on information believed to be accurate at the time of publication. Assumptions and estimates may have been made which may prove not to be accurate. Ellerston Capital undertakes no responsibility to correct any such inaccuracy. Subsequent changes in circumstances may occur at any time and may impact the accuracy of the information. To the full extent permitted by law, none of Ellerston Capital Limited, or any member of the Ellerston Capital Limited Group of companies makes any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this website and disclaims all liability that may arise due to any information contained in this website being inaccurate, unreliable or incomplete.

Performance Graph


Fund Name 30/06/202431/12/202330/06/202331/12/202230/06/2022 Distribution Frequency
Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund NilNilNilNilNil Half-yearly


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance, nor a promise of future returns. Performance can be volatile.


Document Date Download
June 2024 Newsletter 30/06/2024
May 2024 Newsletter 31/05/2024
April 2024 Newsletter 30/04/2024
March 2024 Newsletter 31/03/2024
February 2024 Newsletter 29/02/2024
January 2024 Newsletter 31/01/2024
December 2023 Newsletter 31/12/2023
November 2023 Newsletter 30/11/2023
October 2023 Newsletter 31/10/2023
September 2023 Newsletter 30/09/2023
August 2023 Newsletter 31/08/2023
July 2023 Newsletter 31/07/2023
June 2023 Newsletter 30/06/2023
May 2023 Newsletter 31/05/2023
April 2023 Newsletter 30/04/2023
March 2023 Newsletter 31/03/2023
February 2023 Newsletter 28/02/2023
January 2023 Newsletter 31/01/2023
December 2022 Newsletter 31/12/2022
November 2022 Newsletter 30/11/2022
October 2022 Newsletter 31/10/2022
September 2022 Newsletter 30/09/2022
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